SCRIPTURE: 17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. 18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all (Psalms 34:17-19, NIV).
Have you ever stood at the ocean's edge, staring into the vast expanse where the water meets the sky? In moments like these, our problems, which often feel so large, start to seem small compared to the grandeur of creation.
Now, imagine how much bigger God is than that endless horizon. Today, let’s explore how God’s greatness can help us manage our everyday challenges, using Psalm 34:17-19 as our foundation:
Here are three steps to help you understand that God is bigger than your problems.
First of all, Recognize God's Infinite Power.
The first step in understanding that God is bigger than our problems is recognizing God’s infinite power.
This is what David did when facing Goliath. David didn’t focus on the giant's size but on the greatness of the God he served.
When we face financial hardships, health issues, or relational troubles, remember that the God who created the universe, parted the Red Sea, and caused the walls of Jericho to come tumbling down is in control.
Think of when a small child sees a shadow in her room at night and cries out. The moment a parent enters the room, the fear dissipates. Why? The parent's presence overpowers the fear. Similarly, when we acknowledge God's presence, our problems, as intimidating as they might appear, lose their power over us.
The Bible says in verse 18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
So, when you feel overwhelmed this week, pause and picture God as larger than your biggest problem. Say aloud, "My God who is with me is greater," and let this truth sink into your spirit.
In addition to Recognizing God's Power,
Trust in God’s Promises.
In other words, hold onto God’s Word. I say that because God's promises are like the anchor in the stormy seas; they hold firm no matter how fierce the waves may be.
The Word of God in verse 17 assures us that God hears and delivers us. Now, these aren't just comforting words; they are commitments from God.
Imagine driving through a terrible storm, and the road is barely visible. At a time like this, it’s the promise of being able to reach home safely that keeps you driving.
In life's storms, God’s promises assure us that we’ll reach our 'spiritual home' safely, regardless of the turmoil around us.
So, here’s what I want you to do.
Identify one promise from the Bible that resonates with your current situation. Memorize, hold onto, and remind yourself of it daily, especially when doubts and fears arise.
Now, after recognizing God’s Power and Trusting in God’s Promises, finally,
Act on Your Faith (Forwarding All Issues To Him).
In verse 19, the Bible says, “The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.”
If we believe that, then we’re to live like it. In other words, knowing that God is bigger shouldn’t just be a comfort but a call to action.
It should empower us to live our beliefs. After all, Faith without works is what? Dead. Yes, Faith without works is dead. Acting on our faith shows that we genuinely believe God is greater than our adversities.
Do you remember the Biblical story of the woman with the issue of blood? The Bible says she believed she would be healed if she touched Jesus' garment. Her action—pushing through the crowd and reaching out—was her faith in motion.
So, let me ask you this. What action can you take this week to show your faith in God's greatness?
It could be as simple as reaching out for help, starting a difficult conversation, or finally beginning that project you've been putting off.
God is indeed bigger than any problem we face.
As I conclude, I encourage you to hear and live these words. Let the knowledge of God’s magnitude transform how you face your challenges. Let us be like David, not intimidated by the giant's size but inspired by our God's size.
Or as Elder Cassandra Daniels, from our New Faith Congregation, recently stated in a Facebook post:
“Tell your problems: My God is bigger!”
Remember, God isn’t just casually watching from the sidelines. God is actively involved and passionately committed to your well-being. So, step out in faith, hold God’s hand, and let God lead you beyond your fears and into God’s victory.
Whenever a problem arises this week, speak to it: “My God is bigger.”
Watch as this affirmation changes your perspective and strengthens your heart.
Faithfully yours,
Danny C. Murphy
General Presbyter/
Assistant Stated Clerk